
Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010


1.      MUSRIK

Dakturut dalan mu

Nalika ana ing ngisore jurang
Uripku pinanyungan wadas lan watu karang
Atiku nangis ngrasak’ake panadhanging gesang
Gusti ninggal aku ing donyo kapiran

Nalika aku ana ing pucuking kabegjan
Esem guyuku sumringah datan tinimbang
Keplok-keplok ngrasak’ake kabungahan
Datan kelingan Gusti ing pangesahan

Saiki embuh ana ing ngendi
Dalan dawa-Mu datan pinesthi
Sawanganku ambyar ora nyawiji
Kelangan keblat sing kudu dikudi

Gusti . . . . . . .
Tudhuhna dalan kang suci
Tuntunen menyang ngendi urip bakal kapesti
Kabeh kabesem ing ilineng angin wengi

Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010

Pantai Parangtritis

       Pantai Parangtritis sebenarnya sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga kita, khususnya bagi masyarakat asli Yogyakakarta. Sebagian besar masyarakat Yogyakarta masih mengakui kesakralan pantai Parangtritis, itu terbukti dengan adanya cerita Nyi Loro Kidul yang apabila kita kesana tidak boleh mempergunakan baju dengan warna hijau pupus  karena kabarnya akan di culik.seiring dengan perkembangan jaman ada pula sebagian orang yang tidak mempercayai cerita tersebut. Banyak wisatawan asing dan domestik yang datang berkunjung untuk menikmati keindahan batu karang  dan pasirnya yang halus,gelombang yang cukup besar juga menambah  keunikan Pantai Parangtritis.

Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010


In North Sumatra there is a lake which is said to be the largest lake in Southeast Asia, and one of the deepest in the world. It lies 900 metres above sea-level and is surrounded by pine-covered beaches, high cliffs, and steep mountain slopes. This famous Lake Toba, the birthplace of the batak people. Here is a story which tells how the lake was formed….
A long time ago, there was a fisherman called Batara Guru Sahala. Day after day he rowed his boat in the river, spread his net in the water, and if he was lucky, he would catch fish which he would sell for his living. There were times, however, when he was unlucky and his net would remain empety. Then the young man had very little food.
One day, Batara Guru Sahala was fishing as usual. He had been working for hours, but not a single fish had come into his net. The hot weather made the young man feel tired, his head nodded and he fell asleep. Suddenly, a sharp pull on his net woke him up.
“That must be a big fish,” he said to himself, bringing the net in. sure enough, caught in the net was a huge silvery fish. The young man pulled the fish up into his boad and decided to take it home immediately. “This will bring me a good prince,” he said happily.
Batara Guru Sahala pulled the heavy fish to his hut and put it in a corner. Then he went out to get some wood in order to light the stove. He had not eaten since the early morning so he felt hungry and wanted to cook some rich. When he come back to his hut some time later, he saw to his surprise that the fish had gone. Who would have taken it?
“Batara Guru Sahala, don’t look for the fish,” he suddenly heard a soft voice saying. The young man turned around and saw a beautiful girl standing in the corner of the room.
“Who are you?” he asked.
“ I was the fish you caught. A magician once taught me a spell that would change me into a human if I was unlucky enough to be caught,” said the young girl. She was so beautiful that Batara Guru Sahala fell in love with her immediately. He asked her to marry him and she said, “I will stay with you and be your wife on one condition. Don’t tell anybody about my origin, not even our children.” Batara Guru Sahala agreed and so the two were married.
After his marriage, young fisherman never came home empty-handed. Every day his nets were full, and soon he has able to build a bigger and better house for himself and his wife. Then one day a boy was born, and the year after, a girl Batara Guru Sahala never told anyone that his wife had once been a fish. In fact, he himself often forgot about it. The boy and girl grew up and soon they were able to help their parents.
One day, Batara Guru Sahalawent fishing at the side of the river as usual. The day was very hot, and at noon he felt both thirsty and hungry. Impatiently, He waited for his children to bring him his lunch. When they did not come at the usual time, Batar Guru Sahala decided to look for them. He was worried that they might have had an accident.
The boy and girl had gone to the river as usual. The boy was carrying a parcel of rice, vegetables and m eat, and the girl had an earthen jug with fresh, cool water. It was very hot that day and the two children had a long way to go. “I am so thirsty, Brother,”said the little girl. “I wish I could have a drink from this jug. Just a mouthful would do.”
“And I’am hungry, “said the boy. “I wish I could have a little bit of Father’s rice and vegetables.” After walking a bit further, the boy said, “Let’s take a little of the Father’s food. I don,t think he’ll notice”.
The children knew that they were not allowed to take their parents’ food. Because among the Batak people children were forbidden to touch the food intended for their parents. But they were very young and they forgot about this rule. So they sat down by the side of the road and ate a little of the rice and each drank a mouthful of water from the jug. And that is what they were doing when Batara Guru Sahala found them.
In his anger, he forgot the promise he had made to his wife so many years ago. He lifted his hand and hit both the children. “You greedy, lazy fish-children!” he shouted. Crying, the frightened children ran home to tell their mother.
When Batara Guru Sahala came home that afternoon, he found the hut empty. He could not see his wife and children anywhere. He looked for them everywhere; he called their names many times. Finally he went back to the river bank. Ans there he saw his wife facing the river, her hands stretched out over the water and her head lifted to the sky.
Batara Guru Sahala ran towards her and asked her to forgive him, but his wife did not listen. He had broken his promise and now she had to go back to her home in the river. She sang to the waters, and the under her spell the water rose. A storm broke over the land and the river. Rain poured heavily from the heavens, and the water rose and rose. Soon it swept over the river banks, covering the land, the houses, the trees …. Where before was a village, there was now a huge lake.
Batara Guru Sahala and his wife and children were changed into fish. And to this day the people who live around Lake Toba believe that the fish in the lake are the descendants of Btara Guru Sahala and his wife.


            Candi sambisari ditemukan secara kebetulan ketika seorang petani yang sedang menggarap tanah milik Koryoinangun, tiba-tiba cangkulnya membentur pada batu berukir, yang ternyata merupakan batu reruntuhan candi. Penemuan ini terjadi pada bulan Juni 1996, dan segera berita penemuan tersebut sampai ke kantor Cabang Lembaga Purbakala dan Peniggalan Nasional di Prambanan (sekarang Suaka Peninggalan Sejarah Purbakala). Peninjauan dan penelitian lebih lanjut di tempat tersebut diperoleh kepastian bahwa temuan tersebut merupakan situs candi dan dinyatakan sebagai daerah suaka budaya. Posisi candi yang berada 6,5 meter dari permukaan tanah sekitar itu, diperkirakan terjadi karena tertimbun letusan gunung Merapi.
            Kompleks candi Sambisari berlokasi berdekatan dengan bangunan candi yang lain misal Prambanan, Kalasan, Sari dll. Lokasi Candi Sambisari berjarak sekitar 5 km dari kompleks Candi Prambanan ke arah barat sekitar 14 km dari pusat kota Yogyakarta kea rah timur. Candi Sambisari merupakan candi Hindu beraliran Syiwaistis dari abad ke-X dari keluarga Syailendra ini berada di wilayah kabupaten Sleman propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Saat penggalian kompleks candi Sambisari juga ditemukan benda-benda bersejarah lainya, misalnya perhiasan, tembikar, prasasti lempenggan emas.
            Dari penemuan tersebut didapat perkirakan bahwa candi Raja Rakai Garung dari Kerajaan Mataram Hindu. Kondisi kompleks candi Sambisari sangat terawat, bersih dan banyak wisatawan local, domestic maupun mancanegara banyak berdatangan mengunjunginya dan menjadi satu paket kunjungan wisata budaya dengan kompleks candi lain disekitarnyac khususnya candi Prambanan yang sudah lebih terkenal.
            Candi Sambisari merupakan percandian yang terdiri dari sebuah candi induk dan tiga buah candi perwara pada bagian depanya. Candi induk menghadap kearah barat denahnya berupa bujur sangkar dengan ukuran 13,65m x 13,65m dengan ketinggian 7,5m. hal yang menarik dari candi Sambisari yaitu tidak terdapat kaki candi yang sebenarnya, sehingga bagian las sekaligus berfungsi sebagai kaki candi. Pada sisi luar dinding tubuh candi terdapat relung-relung yang diatasnya terdapat hiasan kala. Setiap relung ditempati oleh Dewi Nurga (utara), Ganesa(timur), dan Agastya(selatan ). Sedangkan pada kanan kiri pintu masuk bilik candi terdapat dua relung untuk dewa-dewa penjaga pintu yakni, Mahakala dan Nandiswara, sayangnya kedua arca tersebut kini sudah tidak berada lagi ditempatnya. Pada bagian dalam bilik candi terdapat Yoni dengan hiasan seekor naga pada bagian ceratnya dan sebuah lingga pada bagian atasnya.
            Tiga buah candi perwara yang berada di depan candi berukuran 4,9m x 4,8m untuk bagian tengahnya, sedangkan perwara utara dan selatan berukuran 4,8m x 4,8m. ketiga candi perwara tersebut tidak mempunyai tubuh dan atap, yang ada hanya kaki dan pagar langkan pada bagian atasnya. Kompleks Candi Sambisari secara keseluruhan dikelilingi oleh pagar dari batu putih yang berukuran 50m x 48m. Pada masing-masing sisi pagar terdapat pintu masuk akan tetapi disisi utara ditutup.
            Jalan menuju kelokasi candi Sambisari   dapat dilalui oleh segala jenis kendaraan, namun belum ada kendaraan umum yang melewati temoat ini sehingga ditempuh dengan ojek atau dokar/delman sekitar 2 km dari tepi jalan Yogya-Solo. Untuk mencapai lokasi candi, dapat ditempuh dengan naik bus jurusan Yogya-Solo sampai kilometer 10 dimana terdapat papan menunjuk jalan menuju candi.    

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